Llanet T.
NAME: Llanet T.
POSITION: Maintenance Production Admin Lead
DEPARTMENT: Production
DESCRIBE YOUR JOB: In the Production Department, we assist in many different ways: material release, timesheet processing for payroll and billing, and managing the hiring process for new field staff.
WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST JOB HERE: I started as a temp in accounting, covering for the AR admin’s maternity leave. Then as the company grew, an admin position opened up in Production. It was a challenge for me because it was something completely out of my comfort zone—but it’s been an awesome experience.
FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT MY JOB: We are always busy. Every day is different. I always leave with the feeling that something was accomplished.
FAVORITE THINGS TO DO AWAY FROM MY JOB: I love spending time with my husband, my kids, and my family. I like cooking and also enjoy taking trips with my family.
A GREAT THING: Something that makes Mariani fun is the success stories that the field staff shares at the end of the day.
FINAL THOUGHT: I really enjoy working at Mariani because we all pull together to reach the same goal. It feels to me like a second home.